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Praying out loud to yourself and crowding out ‘white noise’

If this doesn’t work for you then don’t do it, but if, like me, you often find your mind drifting when praying in your head, then why not have a go at praying out loud to yourself? Of course, this is not to say God doesn’t listen to you if you don’t pray out loud, as if God can’t hear you when you are silent! It’s just that when praying out loud I find my mind is usually more focussed on God and Christ than when I am silent and just thinking. Maybe, this trait is a sign of my spiritual immaturity that I find it harder to keep focused when praying in my head. Or maybe it is something about me and the way I communicate and listen that I need to actually hear what I am saying to make it more real. Nevertheless, whatever the reason, and if you have the same problem, then I would suggest having a go at praying out loud and see what happens. It has taken me a while to get used to this habit, and I certainly wouldn’t do it in public. However, if you find a place alone and start speaking to ...

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