The God of very small things

We often think of God as the God of very big things - as creator of the  mind-boggling vastness of the universe. However, it is also important to remember that he is also the God of very small things - that he has created and knows inside-out the structure and make-up of every atom and every sub-atomic particle, and every movement of every atom and sub-atomic particle within the vastness of the universe.

My mum was crtically ill about twenty five years ago having suffered a very signficant brain-bleed. The only option, as the doctors could not operate, was to wait for her body to heal the rupture in the brain, and so to close-up the bleed naturally. If this closure didn't happen then, we were told, she would die, given the severity of the bleed. Of course, I prayed, initially full of anxiety, but then I was given a vivid picture of the God of very small things - that he not only governed the vastness of the universe but he also governed its smallness. I then saw that he was directing every single atom into the right place at the right time to enable my mother's healing - nothing was out of control, and nothing was forgotten. She is now 75 years old, having completely recovered from the bleed. I saw her last week, and gave her a big hug, as my father died in his sleep a few days previously at the age of 82 - I also praised the Lord for his grace and mercy in our family's life, and the blessings he gave my mum and dad's relationship during their over 55 years of marriage.

Click on book cover image on this blog's home page for information on my book Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questioning Journeyers - first three chapters are FREE!!


  1. thank you for sharing to hear these things.....God is great ! in many many all ways !

  2. Hi James - thanks for your comment - God bless

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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