The Blessings Received from Struggling with God
There is
a very strange story in Genesis (32:22-32) which tells of Jacob spending the
whole night alone physically wrestling with a man who turns out to be God.
However, this night-long struggle leads to God mysteriously admitting that
Jacob has overcome God, but then also to God incapacitating Jacob by
dislocating his hip by touching him. Jacob’s incapacitation results in his
blessing at daybreak and Jacob being re-named ‘Israel’ (meaning: ‘he struggles
with God’).
My main starting point in my faith (and as I have often explored on this blog) is that, like Jacob, we too should participate
in struggling with the Creator in all areas of our lives. Too often, wrestling
with God is seen, in Christian circles at least, as indicating spiritual
weakness and a lack of faith, when more often than not, the opposite is true.
This struggle, I believe, can show the committed engagement of us critically
reflecting and self-consciously questioning our relationship with God, albeit
leading to a temporary disconnection from God. When participating in this
struggle we show ourselves as not being prepared to submit to quick ‘solutions’
to faith based conflict which merely imitate submission to God. Rather, by
struggling and wrestling with our Creator through our questioning and sense of
disconnection from God, we, because of God’s love, can encounter the Creator in
new and liberating ways. Therefore, as our questioning journey with God continues,
we discover, against what we would expect, that this struggle and disconnection
ultimately brings us into closer contact with God and how God wants us to rest
more deeply in an everlasting love, peace, joy, and stillness.
If you like this post then go to Steve Smith's blog site for more blog posts and details of his book Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questionining Journeyers
If you like this post then go to Steve Smith's blog site for more blog posts and details of his book Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questionining Journeyers
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