The search for meaning can defeat the purpose

Certainly, my meaning and purpose has been deepened and enhanced when I exercise my faith in God and invite the radical and far-reaching power of Christ, further into my life. In short, Christ gives me meaning and purpose when I continually accept the reality of his resurrected life into mine, and then I am able to engage afresh, in love, with myself and those around me.

However, I confess that I am someone who, being philosophically minded, can end-up seeing the search for meaning and purpose as the be-all-and-end-all. This search derives from my frequent over-obsessive desire to comprehend everything about my life and the world I inhabit. To resist this desire I have to constantly remind myself that so much of my life and the world I inhabit I cannot even begin to understand and comprehend. Nevertheless, during this resistance, what I have repeatedly found is that Christ invites me to trust in Him, to trust in God, whether or not I can find a meaning or purpose.  
For example, I have often been led to the instruction in Proverbs 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding’. Moreover, when I meditate on this scripture, and others beside, what I experience is ‘The peace of God, which transcends all understanding’ and this peace then guarding my heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

 Click on book cover image on this blog's home page for information on my book Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questioning Journeyers - first three chapters are FREE!!


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