Separating what happens to us from God's love for us

The following is the opening paragraph of Chapter 2 of my book - Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questioning Journeyers, which is to be published in March 2014.

"The world often seems to be against us. This perception can make it difficult for us to believe in an all-powerful God who loves us, is kind and has our best interests at heart. Belief in a loving God requires faith which is exercised by understanding the basic separation between what happens to us in the world (which can feel hard and very difficult) and the belief that God’s love is real and protects and supports us. For me then, one of the big faith questions (perhaps the biggest question) is whether we see the world and God as being against us or whether we are prepared, through faith, to believe in a loving God who is all-powerful and with us or beside us when we inevitably struggle?" 

The first three chapters are NOW available FREE on the publishers website (Whispering Tree Original Books and can be accessed via my blog ( Click on the cover of the book on the right hand side of the blog and it will take you to the Whispering Tree site and at the bottom of the page are the free chapters.
