Scientific sceptics are not sceptical enough

Sceptics who say we need to be hard-headed about truth and believe in science not God are not sceptical enough. They merely assume the ‘realness’ of what they can see, experience and measure, and ignore how any knowledge of the world and ourselves is certainly not settled but highly contested and open to question, scientific or otherwise. Perhaps this latter more profound scepticism (which the so-called scientific sceptic is unable to embrace), is a trick of language and philosophy which ties us up in unnecessary knots. But whatever is the case, that scientific scepticism merely assumes that truth can be packaged in a box called ‘real’ to the possible exclusion of all that is mysterious, unfathomable, and maybe important or valuable, betrays both its timidity and muddled thinking. Therefore, despite its claim to be hard-headed it is instead far too soft, from the belly-up; and so, like Old Testament Job (Job 42: 3), it obscures God’s counsel without knowledge, speaking of things it does not understand and too wonderful for it to know. 

Click on book cover image on this blog's home page for information on my book Nine Steps to Well-Being: A Spiritual Guide for Disconnected Christians and Other Questioning Journeyers - first three chapters are FREE!! 
